
Most women can continue with their everyday activities during pregnancy and only need to make some minor lifestyle changes. The health and well-being of both the woman and the developing fetus are of primary concern during pregnancy, so it is best to avoid consuming certain foods and doing potentially risky activities. In this article, we
Both breastfeeding and pumping are excellent ways to feed a baby breast milk. Breast milk is the natural food for infants, and pumping can offer benefits that are similar, although not identical, to providing breast milk directly from the breast. Human breast milk is biologically designed to meet a baby’s nutritional needs, and many doctors
Plan B One-Step is an emergency contraception pill that people can take in some instances to prevent pregnancy. This pill is effective if people forget to take their birth control pill and have unprotected sex or if another birth control method fails. It is essential that people who decide to use the Plan B pill
Stretch marks appear on men and women of all ages, sizes, and skin types. They do not cause pain or health problems, but some people are bothered by their appearance. People often wonder how to prevent stretch marks from forming. Skin can stretch to accommodate size changes, including those due to weight fluctuations, puberty, muscle
Postpartum gas is when a woman experiences increased flatulence after having a baby. Postpartum gas is common and usually goes away on its own but can also be a sign of a pelvic injury or underlying health condition. In this article, we explore the causes of postpartum gas and bloating. We also cover when to
A pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy rash is a common skin condition. Natural remedies, including oatmeal, chamomile, and peppermint, can help. This type of rash usually starts in stretch marks on the abdomen and spreads to the legs and chest. It causes itchy, red, hive-like bumps to form in the creases of stretch
An intrauterine device, or IUD, is a small device that doctors place inside the uterus as a contraceptive. Many people experience IUD side effects, especially in the first few weeks to months following insertion. There are two types of IUD available. One type secretes hormones while the other contains copper. Hormone-secreting IUDs release the synthetic
Vaginal cramps or spasms may feel like strong, painful muscle contractions. While mild vaginal cramps can be a symptom of menstruation, painful cramps or vaginal cramps that occur outside of menstruation often have an underlying medical cause. This article looks at some of the most common causes of vaginal cramps, as well as treatment options