Dad’s Hilarious Video Pokes Fun At 8 Different Parenting Styles


New Zealand father Jordan Watson has made a name for himself with his hilarious YouTube channel “How to Dad,” where he’s explored the trials and tribulations of installing car seats, traveling with babies and more. 

His latest video, “How to Parent,” pokes fun at eight different child-rearing styles. These parenting archetypes include “The Helicopter Parent,” “The Google Parent,” “The ‘Cool’ Parent,” and “The Read Too Many Books Parent.”

Though his impressions are hilarious, it’s really his closing statement that’s sure to resonate with parents worldwide:

“And now you just want to try to be like a perfect mix of all of the above. But don’t worry if you’re not perfect. There will be plenty of people lining up to tell you exactly that, like your mother-in-law, your mum, your dad, your brother, the neighbor, postman, that ‘Dr. Phil’ TV show, the list goes on… Good luck!”

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